Actress Evan Rachel Wood: ‘Doesn’t Anyone Fact Check Anymore?’

Actress Evan Rachel Wood took to Twitter Jan. 17 to ask “Doesn’t anyone fact check anymore?” after a Yahoo blog post reported old information about her as new.

Yahoo reported earlier that day that Wood “revealed” a tattooed Edgar Allan Poe quote on her back at the Jan. 12 Critics’ Choice Awards.  The entire post focused on the tattoo, which Yahoo called “a tad surprising.”

However, as Wood tweeted and commenters on the post noted, Wood has “had that tattoo for almost 4 years.”

We wrote in September 2010 when rapper Nicki Minaj countered reports of a phony concert on Twitter.  Minaj tweeted in response to Twitter photos of fans trying to buy tickets to the show, which she said was a scam.