Corrections: Floating Buoy, Pope Francis Typo

1. The Associated Press ublished an unusual correction about a floating buoy that went rogue. The AP correction:

“NEW SMYRNA BEACH, Fla. (AP) — In a story December 30, 2019, about a buoy washing ashore in Florida, The Associated Press erroneously reported that the buoy was floating in the Atlantic Ocean for two years. The buoy was freed from its South Carolina anchors in 2017 and was placed back off the coast of South Carolina. It escaped the ocean again after Hurricane Dorian in 2019 and was found on Dec. 26.”

2. Editing mistake:

A January correction from USA Today:

News: In a story on impeachment trials vs. criminal trials in the Jan. 2 editions, an editing error changed the meaning of a sentence about the jurors’ impartiality. The sentence should have said that lawyers in a criminal trial probably would keep someone off a jury if he or she declared as little impartiality as Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has.

3. Millions or billions?

A Jan. 6 NPR correction: “The U.S. government approved billions of dollars in aid for U.S. farmers in 2019. A previous version of the graphic said millions.”

4. A typo can change the context of a comment. A Dec. 27 New York Times correction:

“​An article on Thursday about Pope Francis’s Christmas speech incorrectly rendered a quotation by the pope. He spoke of injustice that forces people to “endure unspeakable forms of abuse, enslavement of every kind and torture in inhumane detention camps,” not to “ensure” them.”