Does Jewish Standard Promote Anti-Gay Bias With ‘No More Same-Sex Wedding Announcements’ Policy?

The Jewish Standard wrote in an Oct. 4 editorial signed by Rebecca Kaplan Boroson apologizing to readers and promising to not run any more same-sex wedding announcements.

Acknowledging that the weekly New Jersey newspaper had received much feedback – some positive – for its decision to publish the announcement, Boroson added that “A group of rabbis has reached out to us and conveyed the deep sensitivities within the traditional/Orthodox community to this issue.”

“Our subsequent discussions with representatives from that community have made us aware that publication of the announcement caused pain and consternation, and we apologize for any pain we may have caused,” Boroson wrote.

However, the newspaper further stated that it won’t be publishing any more same-sex announcements.  “The Jewish Standard has always striven to draw the community together, rather than drive its many segments apart. We have decided, therefore, since this is such a divisive issue, not to run such announcements in the future.”

The announcement featured many disapproving comments. See them hereThe Jewish Standard has reported circulation of 24,000, according to Mondo Times.

Jewish and Israel News added that New Jersey “recognizes civil unions, which extends to same-sex marriages,” and that the Jewish Standard “has been roundly criticized on pro-gay and lesbian and liberal websites” since its announcement.