Freud Museum’s Media Ethics & Emotional Wellbeing Conference in November

The Freud Museum in London is hosting conference on “Media Ethics and Emotional Wellbeing” Nov. 10.

The “one day symposium” runs from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.  According to the Freud Museum website, “this symposium will explore the emotional and ethical responsibilities involved, offering a particular emphasis on the psychological dimensions of the debate.”

The conference’s “three round table panels” include discussions “from the Press and its subjects” and “from Broadcasters and Their Subjects.”

iMediaEthics has written to the Freud Museum seeking more information about this event and will update with any response.

UPDATE: 10/26/2012 5:30 PM EST  Ivan Ward from the Freud Museum directed iMediaEthics to the speakers’ bios and online program for the conference.  Check it out on the Freud Museum’s website.