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France and Great Britain Consider Labels for Airbrushed Photos

Legislators in Great Britain and France are out to protect reality -- or at least reality as portrayed in photographs.…


Minnesota City Pages Criticizes Pioneer-Press Newspaper Over HIV Disclosure

City Pages, a Twin Cites alternative weekly, recently published a blog criticism of their fellow Minnesotan paper, the Pioneer Press—exploring…


A view from the other side: What advertisers think about the new FTC blogging rules

On September 24th, Socialmediagroup.com--an agency helping businesses navigate the socially engaged Web--hosted a web seminar on the ethics of blog-brand…


FOX News Broadcasts Bad Advice From H1N1 Flu “Expert”

In a recent broadcast, “Tracking H1N1,” Fox News taps the wisdom of Dr. Kent Holtorf to advise America as the…


Why does Daily Mail give credence to psychic healer?

The Quackometer, a blog commenting on pseudoscience, reported this week on such a blatantly bad story in the London-based Daily Mail,…


Jackass Kanye? “Presidents are never off-the-record” Poynter professors say

Recently, we ran a story detailing The Poynter Institute’s response to a leaked tweet by ABC News anchor Terry Moran…


Washington Post Responds to Criticisms of New Social Media Guidelines

A few days ago, we wrote about the Washington Post's new social media guidelines. As we noted then, the response…


AP was right to publish photo of Marine Lance Corporal Bernard, says The Digital Journalist

What do you do when two rules of ethical journalism seem to be at odds with each other? That is…


New FTC Endorsement Guidelines Single Out Bloggers

The Federal Trade Commission has published the final version of its guide concerning the use of testimonials and endorsements in…


Licensing Fees? Or Paying Sources for Content? Casey Anthony Gets Payday from Media

It's a straightforward and unambiguous ethical rule that journalists should not pay sources for content. It seems equally clear that…
