New Corrections & Complaints Process Proposed for the BBC

The BBC proposed a “‘faster, simpler and easier to understand’ complaints process” in a March 8 press release.

Some of the suggestions are:

  • “Bringing the time limit for complaints about website content into line with the 30-day rule that applies to broadcasts, again with a right of appeal to the Trust for those that are out of time”
  • “Speeding up the handling of similar complaints about a single issue by treating them all together”

The BBC also announced it will start a “a corrections and clarifications page on the BBC website” and name a “Chief Complaints Editor” at the BBC to be in charge of “complaints handling.”

The press release also offered a reminder about the procedure for a corrections request or complaint calls for viewers to complain to the BBC, then BBC management and the Editorial Complaints Unit, and finally BBC Trust.

According to the BBC’s press release, it receives “240,000 editorial complaints” annually.

Hat Tip: Journalism.co.uk