USA Today changes Coronavirus symptoms fact check from partly false to true

USA Today changed a fact check on coronavirus symptoms from partly false to true.

In an April 3 correction, USA Today wrote: “Corrections & clarifications: This story, originally published March 27, has been updated to reflect new CDC guidance published on March 30 that includes nausea, vomiting and diarrhea as coronavirus symptoms. That guidance changes the fact check of the claim to be ‘true.‘”

The original March 27 fact check article said the claim of new COVID-19 symptoms was partly false, based on the CDC not listing vomiting or diarrhea as symptoms. The article read in part:

“We rate the claim of new COVID-19 symptoms partly false because some of the claim was not supported by our research. While fever and cough are common symptoms of the coronavirus, vomiting and loss of appetite are not, and the other listed symptoms in the Facebook post are rarely reported.”

Now, that ruling has been changed to true, with the paragraph above being deleted from the article and replaced with this sentence, “We rate the claim of new coronavirus symptoms true because it is supported by updated information, based on our research.”