Chinese Fauxtography:

Ezra Levant wrote in March 2008:

“It should come as no surprise that the Chinese government is engaging in fauxtography in its war against Tibet. Take a look at these two photos, both of them distributed to the media by the Chinese government…

Levant reports:

 “According to this story in the Epoch Times, it’s because that “Tibetan rioter” was not Tibetan at all, but rather Chinese policeman dressed up as an ethnic Tibetan, sent out to wave a machete and generally look menacing. It’s part of the Communist strategy to paint peaceful Tibetans as the violent brutes. It’s the same reason the comical Chinese ambassador to Canada compared the pacifist Dalai Lama to the Nazis.

“But the Chinese didn’t count on one of their agents provocateurs being recognized — so they hastily changed history by handing out a new photo.”

Read more here.