Rupert Murdoch Apologizes to Hugh Grant for Tweet

News Corp. CEO Rupert Murdoch apologized Oct. 18 for a tweet about Hugh Grant. The apology tweet reads:

“Hugh Grant states that he is deeply involved in his daughter’s life – I accept that, regret tweet on the matter. Apologies to both parents.”

The Guardian explained that Murdoch had tweeted Oct. 17:

“Typical ABC in Oz. alleged I called hacking victims ‘scumbags. Direct lie. Major correction and apology please.”

According to the Guardian, Murdoch tweeted in response to someone asking him “Scumbags? And your journalists and executives are what?” that

“They don’t get arrested for indecency on major LA highways! Or abandon love child’s (sic).”

iMediaEthics wrote earlier this month about “sixty victims of phone hacking and other press abuses,” including Grant, who sent a letter calling on UK Prime Minister David Cameron to “consider the recommendations of Lord Justice Leveson,” of the Leveson Inquiry into press standards and practices, as we wrote.

Last month, Grant filed a phone hacking lawsuit against News International’s now-closed News of the World, Bloomberg reported.