Slate added a lengthy correction to the above article on BuzzFeed. (Credit: Slate, screenshot)
Slate added a long correction on an article about BuzzFeed “going multilingual.”
The Slate article, by Evgeny Morozov, is titled: “The Virality of Evil: How BuzzFeed’s translation project will hurt foreign news.’
The correction discloses that Slate deleted sentences that were inaccurate and fixed other errors.The correction read:
- “Correction, Oct. 29, 2013: This article originally used different analytics platforms to compare the BBC’s and BuzzFeed’s traffic. The sentence about the BBC has been removed because the comparisons are not exact.
- “The piece also said that ‘The Viral Web in Real Time’ is BuzzFeed’s motto. It was a prominently displayed tag line on the site for some time, but no longer is.
- “The article also said that BuzzFeed is not interested in bringing local foreign news to the English-language blogosphere; BuzzFeed has a foreign editor and correspondents in Turkey, Syria, and Moscow. That sentence has been removed.
- “The article also originally suggested that BuzzFeed is entering local advertising markets in foreign countries. BuzzFeed is not currently in local markets.”
Hat Tip: Andrew Kaczynski