Coronavirus isolation?Australian newspaper sorry for misinterpretation woman broke quarantine - iMediaEthics

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A News Corp-owned Australian newspaper, The Morning Bulletin, reported on a student nurse voting in local elections. But, the article suggested the woman broke mandatory quarantine for coronavirus, when she was healthy and in voluntary isolation.

As such, The Morning Bulletin published an apology March 31 to the woman, Alicija Munro, and her boyfriend, Evan Treacy, for the misinterpretation about her. iMediaEthics has written to Munro and The Morning Bulletin.

The apology reads:

“An article published on The Morning Bulletin website on Saturday, March 28, 2020, titled “Student nurse breaks isolation to come out to vote” was wrongly interpreted by some readers as meaning the young woman in question had broken mandatory quarantine to vote in the council elections.

“That is entirely wrong. Alicija Munro is healthy and virus-free. She was not in enforced isolation and she and her boyfriend Evan Treacy did not present any health risks to other members of the public.

“We sincerely apologise to Ms Munro and Mr Treacy for any hurt caused. The Morning Bulletin welcomes engagement and debate on our Facebook page but we ask that people contributing keep their comments respectful. We have increased the monitoring of comments on our posts and will remove those that are offensive or unfair”

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Coronavirus isolation?Australian newspaper sorry for misinterpretation woman broke quarantine

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