Chris Cuomo apologizes for pronoun joke - iMediaEthics

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(Credit: CNN)

CNN host Chris Cuomo apologized after saying jokingly that his pronouns were “She, her and hers.”

In an Oct. 11 tweet, Cuomo apologized, “PLEASE READ: When Sen. Harris said her pronouns were she her and her’s, I said mine too. I should not have. I apologize. I am an ally of the LGBTQ community, and I am sorry because I am committed to helping us achieve equality. Thank you for watching our townhall.”

Cuomo’s remark was in an Oct. 10 town hall for 2020 Democratic presidential candidates. After Cuomo introduced Kamala Harris, she said, “My pronouns are she, her and hers.” Cuomo then said, “She, her and hers? Mine too,” according to the Guardian.

iMediaEthics has written to CNN.

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Chris Cuomo apologizes for pronoun joke

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