Coronavirus Mistakes: Number of Deaths in NY, Deaths not Coronavirus Linked, Mental Health, and Furloughs - iMediaEthics

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A CDC graphic of the coronavirus (Credit :CDC)

Below, read iMediaEthics’ latest roundup of errors in reporting on Coronavirus and COVID-19.

An April 16 correction from the UK Times of London:

“In reporting the death of John Moore, who died aged 96 from coronavirus (News, Apr 10), we wrongly published a photo of David Tom Davies, OBE, MM, who died on Apr 7, aged 101, from causes unrelated to coronavirus. We apologise for the error.”

An April 1 correction from the Australian Broadcasting Corp.:

“7.30: On 1 April, 2020, a 7.30 story published on ABC News Online inaccurately implied Dan Williams had been tested for coronavirus and then went to a rehearsal with band mates. This is not the case. Mr Williams was tested three days after the rehearsal and was unaware he had it at that time. The article has been updated to accurately reflect Mr Williams’ timeline of being tested for coronavirus. 7.30 apologises to Dan Williams.”

An April 9 National Public Radio correction:

“A previous version of this story incorrectly said that the death toll in New York City averaged 20 to 25 people a day before the coronavirus outbreak and is now around 200. In fact, those numbers included only the number of people who die at home.”

An April 13 New York Times correction:

“A headline with a Coronavirus Update column on Saturday misstated the global death toll. More than 100,000 people had died to date, not in the previous week.”

An April 11 NPR correction:

“In a previous version of this report, we incorrectly said 4 out of 5 American adults say the coronavirus pandemic has affected their mental health. It is actually 45% who reported a toll on their mental health.”

An April 14 NPR correction:

“An earlier version of this story, as well as an earlier caption, said the novel coronavirus was named COVID-19. COVID-19 is the name of the disease caused by the coronavirus.”

And an April 15 NPR correction:

An earlier version of this story incorrectly said that Best Buy is temporarily furloughing 51,000 workers, including almost all part-time workers, and retaining 82% of its workforce. The furloughs apply to almost all part-time store workers and the company is retaining 82% of its hourly full-time store workforce.”

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Coronavirus Mistakes: Number of Deaths in NY, Deaths not Coronavirus Linked, Mental Health, and Furloughs

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