(Credit: NPR)
Check out iMediaEthics’ latest roundup of corrections:
1, NPR added a witchy correction about Romanian witches threatening to hex tax collectors.
The Oct. 24 correction reads:
“A previous Web introduction to this story incorrectly said that Mihaela Minca hasn’t paid taxes since the Romanian government backed down when she and fellow witches threatened to hex tax collectors. In fact, it was Minca’s mother-in-law who hexed the tax collectors.”
2. Double check those graphics.
Stories aren’t the only content that needs editing. Case in point, an NPR graphic on the midterm elections had numerous errors. Seven candidates’ names were incorrect. In addition, NPR messed up with identifying who was and wasn’t an incumbent. NPR’s lengty Nov. 6 correction reads:
“A previous version of this graphic incorrectly identified a number of candidates:
“Nate McMurray’s last name was given as Murray.
Aftab Pureval’s last name was given as Purval.
Patrick Morrisey’s last name was given as Morrissey.
Bill Schuette’s last name was given as Shuette.
Allan Fung’s first name was given as Alan.
Ben McAdams’ last name was given as Adams.
Asa Hutchinson’s last name was given as Hutchison.“Additionally, Dino Rossi was incorrectly identified as an incumbent. And Reps. Steve King, Pete Olson, Fred Upton, Carlos Curbelo, Mario Diaz-Balart and Brian Mast should have been identified as incumbents.”
3. Watch those zeros.
NPR published a correction after adding an extra set of zeros to an image. The correction from Oct. 30 reads:
“A previous image had too many zeros, indicating the amount was $1.6 trillion. The correct number is $1.6 billion.”
Hat Tip: Annie Johnson