(Credit: Pixabay)
Vulture contributor Erik Abriss was fired from his main job as a post-production supervisor at INE Entertainment after he tweeted that he wanted the Covington Catholic high school students who went viral this weekend to die.
Abriss’s Twitter account is currently locked. New York Magazine spokesperson Aude White declined to comment to iMediaEthics about his status. iMediaEthics has tweeted Abriss and written to INE Entertainment for more information.
“I don’t know what it says about me but I’ve truly lost the ability to articulate the hysterical rage, nausea, and heartache this makes me feel. I just want these people to die. Simple as that. Every single one of them. And their parents,” he tweeted, according to the Wrap. He also tweeted “‘Racism is in its Boomer death throes. It will die out with this younger generation!’ Look at the shit-eating grins on all those young white slugs’ faces. Just perverse pleasure at wielding a false dominion they’ve been taught their whole life was their divine right. F–ing die.”