(Credit: KGO Twitter)
San Francisco ABC-affiliate KGO-TV fired freelance writer and news producer Carlos LaRoche because of his offensive protest tweets calling for protesters to be shot.
“Under the account @ProducerLos, which has since been deactivated, La Roche said on Sunday that he hoped Oakland police officers would use “live bullets” against a group of protesters who were expected to demonstrate against a recent court decision involving a Cleveland police officer,” Matthew Keys, who disclosed that he used to work for KGO, reported.
LaRoche’s tweet stated: “Looks like the born losers, er ‘protestors’ will b in #Oakland 2night. Hope OPD uses real bullets. Now let’s get back to this one…#Hoops”
KGO announced the firing over the “inappropriate tweets from his personal account.”
In a statement in response to iMediaEthics’ inquiry, KGO simply said: “A freelancer sent inappropriate tweets on his personal account that in no way reflect the views of ABC7. This freelancer is no longer associated with the station.”
LaRoche apologized in a statement to Keys, saying his “inflammatory” and “inexcusable” tweets “do not reflect my true beliefs” about protesters and were the result of “frustration.”
“I truly regret” the tweets, he added.