3 UK Papers Correct or Clarify Reporting on Gordon Brown after PCC Complai

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Three UK news outlets published corrections or clarifications after Gordon Brown complained to the UK Press Complaints Commission, according to resolution reports on the UK body’s website.

The UK Telegraph ran clarifications on its Sept. 28 article “Brown’s UN briefing cancelled after only one reporter turns up.” The clarification noted that despite the Telegraph‘s characterization that Brown was “handsomely” paid, “money from Mr Brown’s speeches goes directly to charity or to the funding of his and his wife’s charitable and public service work.”

The News Corp. Sunday Times ran a clarification on its July 22 article “Hey, Gordy, spare us your change,” to “clarify” Gordon’s “public duty allownace…goes directly towards office and staff costs.”

Similarly, another News Corp.-owned paper, the Sun, corrected its July 18 article to “clarify” Brown’s “allowance goes directly to office and staff costs incurred as a former PM and is not received by him personally.”

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3 UK Papers Correct or Clarify Reporting on Gordon Brown after PCC Complaints

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