ESPN Cleveland suspends Tony Grossi for Baker Mayfield comment - iMediaEthics

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ESPN Cleveland suspended radio reporter Tony Grossi for calling NFL Cleveland Browns quarterback Baker Mayfield a “f***ing midget.” Mayfield is 6’1″.

In a Feb. 25 statement posted on Twitter, ESPN Cleveland said it “will not tolerate derogatory language that demeans others or groups of people.”

The statement continued to apologize and note, “We are addressing this matter with Tony directly, and while we normally do not comment on personnel mattters, we do want to share that we have made the decision to immediately and indefinitely suspend Tony Grossi. In addition, we will pursue sensitivity and inclusion training for everyone on our content teams across our company.”

ESPN pointed iMediaEthics to Good Karma Brands, which broadcasts ESPN Cleveland. iMediaEthics has written to Good Karma Brands and tweeted Grossi.

Grossi tweeted an apology, saying his comment was “a derogatory slur” and “there’s no excuse for using that language in any context.”

“It was said without malice but also without thought,” he added.

Grossi noted that he and Mayfield “have had our differences,” but he has tried to report fairly.

Hat Tip: Sports Illustrated

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ESPN Cleveland suspends Tony Grossi for Baker Mayfield comment

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