Leonardo diCaprio (Credit: Wikipedia)
French magazine Oops! must apologize to Leonardo DiCaprio after saying he impregnated the pop singer Rihanna.
The Hollywood Reporter reported that Oops! has to pay DiCaprio €8,000 for a false story saying he got Rihanna pregnant.
“The ruling was not based on a defamation claim per se, but rather an amalgam of defamation and privacy where the truth or falsity of the story wasn’t essential to the court’s verdict,” the Hollywood Reporter wrote.
“The judge’s opinion is only available in French at the moment, but according to a rough English translation, ‘the particularly intimate nature of such revelation’ — DiCaprio’s supposed attitude toward a pregnant Rihanna — and the ‘absence of any evidence to accredit … the accuracy of the facts alleged’ combined with ‘the interference with privacy’ means that Oops! can’t defend its article as ‘legitimate public information’,” the Hollywood Reporter added.
The next issue of Oops! must also feature a front-page apology “Oops! Sentenced to Demand for Leonardo di caprio” reporting on the lawsuit, according to the Hollywood Reporter.
As iMediaEthics previously reported, DiCaprio sued Oops! for saying DiCaprio impregnated Riahnna and “wanted nothing to do with her or the baby.” DiCaprio wanted the maximum penalty of 18,000 Euros and sued over privacy, not defamation.
Hat Tip: Jezebel