by Sydney Smith on Nov 20, 2011
AP Reports, Retracts Quotes from Fake Christopher Walken
The Associated Press reported that it had corrected its Nov. 18 story that reported quotes attributed to Christopher Walken. Walken's comments...
The Associated Press reported that it had corrected its Nov. 18 story that reported quotes attributed to Christopher Walken. Walken's comments...
Baton Rouge, Louisiana newspaper The Advocate recently apologized for wrongly attributing quotes to a local high school football coach. But...
Newsweek/The Daily Beast has apologized for attributing a fake quote to Nancy Pelosi, Talking Points Memo reported. Newsweek's Howard Kurtz...
The Pakistan Observer published a clarification disclosing that an Interservice Public Relations spokesperson "contradicted" the newspaper's story and claimed the...
The Daily Mail was busted for publishing an inaccurate pre-emptive story on the verdict in the Amanda Knox appeal trial,...
UK print regulatory body the Press Complaints Commission stated that three New Statesman blog posts were inaccurate, reported. The...
Nearly three months after bloggers first called out the Independent's Johann Hari for plagiarism, he has admitted to the charges,...
A video of Michele Bachmann has been selectively edited to show the Republican politician asking "Who likes white people?" According...
Blogger Carlos Graterol of the Campaign Fix blog admitted recently that he was posing as New York Times columnist Paul...