(Credit: Pixabay)
Abigail Disney, a Disney heiress, didn’t go undercover to a Disney theme park. She did meet with workers in Anaheim though.
Despite that, some news outlets claimed she went undercover at Disneyland. The error originated in a Yahoo News article based on an interview with Disney.
iMediaEthics has written to Yahoo News and tweeted Disney.
Yahoo News has now published a correction adding “crucial context.” The Yahoo News correction, posted on July 19, reads:
“Correction, July 19: In a Yahoo News interview with Abigail Disney, published July 9, we reported that she had visited Disneyland to gather information about worker conditions. She subsequently told another news outlet and later confirmed to Yahoo News that in fact she had not visited the theme park but met with Disney workers at an offsite union office in Anaheim, Calif. This information was crucial context, and we regret the error. We have updated the story, video and headlines on all platforms to reflect this correction.”
CNN added an editor’s note to its report, citing Yahoo News’ correction. CNN’s editor’s note reads:
“Editor’s note: Yahoo News, whose interview with Abigail Disney this article drew on, has revised its article to say that she was not “undercover” when she interviewed workers. Disney had told Yahoo News that she “went to Anaheim.” This article has been updated to reflect that change.”
USA Today posted numerous corrections of its stories referencing Disney’s interview with Yahoo. USA Today‘s corrections read:
“Travel: An earlier version of this story mischaracterized the nature of Abigail Disney’s visit to Disneyland. Disney told Yahoo News that she “went to Anaheim,” not that she went undercover. https://www.usatoday.com/story/travel/news/2019/07/15/disney-heiress-livid-workers-wages-after-secret-disneyland-trip/1740502001/
An earlier version of this video mischaracterized the nature of Abigail Disney’s visit to Disneyland. https://www.usatoday.com/videos/travel/2019/07/16/disney-heiress-slams-disneyland-park-over-low-wages-after-visit/1742066001/
An earlier version of this post mischaracterized the nature of Abigail Disney’s visit to Disneyland. Disney told Yahoo News that she “went to Anaheim,” not that she went undercover. https://www.instagram.com/p/Bz-933clFHC/
An earlier version of this headline mischaracterized the nature of Abigail Disney’s visit to Disneyland. Disney told Yahoo News that she “went to Anaheim,” not that she went undercover. https://www.facebook.com/115535341805950/posts/3410872828938835?sfns=mo
An earlier version of this headline mischaracterized the nature of Abigail Disney’s visit to Disneyland. Disney told Yahoo News that she “went to Anaheim,” not that she went undercover. https://twitter.com/usatodaytravel/status/1151114760265654273