Associated Press deletes Trump birthright citizenship tweet - iMediaEthics

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The Associated Press deleted another tweet this week.

This tweet repeated Pres. Trump’s comments about birthright citizenship but didn’t note that his claims were false. The AP tweet, now deleted, reads, according to a screenshot from Think Progress: “Trump wants to order the end of birthright citizenship: ‘We’re the only country in the world where a person comes in and has a baby, and the baby is essentially a citizen of the United States.'”

“We have deleted a tweet about President Trump’s claim that the U.S. is the only country that grants birthright citizenship because it failed to note that his statement was incorrect,” the AP wrote.

iMediaEthics has written to the AP to confirm the tweet which was deleted, and ask if the AP is tracking how many tweets it deletes.

Last week, the AP deleted a tweet calling Honduran migrants a “ragged, growing army,” noting in a follow-up tweet that the tweet “lacked context.” The AP also deleted two tweets about the bombs sent to politicians and CNN last week after inaccurately tweeting that an explosive device was at Bill and Hillary Clinton’s home (as the correction noted, “the device was intercepted at a nearby facility.”).

In September, the AP deleted a  tweet referring to murder victims as prostitutes primarily, and not women or victims.

In May, the AP deleted a tweet claiming Pres. Donald Trump said all immigrants who enter the U.S. illegally are “animals.” Trump said he was calling members of the gang MS-13 animals.

In 2016, the AP announced a new policy for how it handles inaccurate tweets, stating the it will delete inaccurate tweets and post a new tweet with the correction and noting the deletion.

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Associated Press deletes Trump birthright citizenship tweet

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