Fake Truck Driver? NYT Deletes Quotes - iMediaEthics

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(Credit: NYTimes)

The New York Times interviewed a man identified as truck driver Martin Thornton about Brexit. But, now, the Times has corrected its article and deleted the source’s comments.


The UK company where the Times said Thornton works, Eddie Stobart trucking company, said it doesn’t employ anyone named Martin Thornton.

The Times’ Jan. 22 correction reads:

“An article on Jan. 9 about the possibility of a “no-deal” Brexit quoted Martin Thornton, who was described as a driver for the Eddie Stobart trucking company. The company has since said it did not have a driver with that name. The Times was unable to confirm Mr. Thornton’s employment information and has removed his comments from the digital version of the article.”

iMediaEthics wrote to the Times to ask how it learned of the problem, where the Times met the man identified as Thornton, and if the Times has verified that Thornton is his real name. Times spokesperson Danielle Rhoades Ha told iMediaEthics by e-mail, ” We published a thorough correction and have no comment beyond it.” iMediaEthics has written to Eddie Stobart for more information.

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Fake Truck Driver? NYT Deletes Quotes

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