One wonders if the terrorist bought the full accessories for their Baghdad Bob G I. Joe action figure?
James Joyner from Outside the Beltway said that when the hostage photograph and threat, first appeared on a website, and soon after, in the press, bloggers thought the soldier was photoshopped. However, Matt Drudge (via Politburo Diktat) quickly discovered it was “G.I. Joe” that was staged by terrorist thugs. “Baghdad Bob” was only a 12 inch tall action figure. Reuters and other mainstream media were punked by insurgents–of all people. They employed an easy optical illusion where miniatures in photographs trick-the-eye and seem life-size. Trick photography, in this case, became a terrorist’s weapon.
The ansarnet.ws website claimed, “Our mujahadeen heroes of Iraq’s Jihadi Battalion were able to capture American military man, John Adam, after killing a number of his comrades and capturing the rest,” said the statement, signed by the ‘Mujahedeen Brigades.’ ‘God willing, we will behead him if our female and male prisoners are not released from U.S. prisons within the maximum period of 72 hours from the time this statement has been released,’ ” the statement said.
Who said boys don’t play with dolls?