(Credit: Pixabay)
The New York Post made an amusing error last month when it said a woman was 17 months pregnant with triplets. That’s right, 17 MONTHS.
In the Dec. 14 print edition, the Post reported that a woman named Brittneyrose Torres, a surrogate mother carrying triplets, is 17 months pregnant. Clearly, the Post meant 17 weeks pregnant, not months, but the error still is attention-grabbing.
Online, however, the error was fixed to correctly say that Torres is 17 weeks pregnant. The online article headline is “Surrogate defies biological parents’ abortion demands.”
iMediaEthics wrote to the Post reporter Carl Campanile to ask if the print edition will include a correction. We also asked if the 17 months pregnant error was published online or only in print.
Campanile responded: “That was a goof on my part. Obviously, she was 17 weeks pregnant. Fixed online when brought to our attention.”