UK Coronavirus Deaths, Language Ban, Deaths outside of hospital, and COVID-19 Photo Caption fails - iMediaEthics

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An April 2 correction from the Guardian:

“A front-page article (Daily death toll reaches record high of 381 in UK, 1 April) said that new figures from the Office for National Statistics suggested almost one in four coronavirus deaths were occurring outside of a hospital setting; this should have been one in five deaths.”

An April 4 NPR correction on the Spanish flu and survival rates:

“In a previous version of this story, we incorrectly said a third of the world’s population in 1918-1919 died of Spanish flu. Actually, a third of the world’s population became infected. In addition, the story had quoted President Trump as saying those who had the Spanish flu had a 50/50 chance of survival. That number does not match what has been found by experts and government and private research institutions. Also, the story said academics generally agree that 50 to 100 million were infected. The most common estimate of Spanish flu cases is about 500 million”

An April 2 correction from the Australian Broadcasting Corp:

“7.30: On 1 April, 2020, a 7.30 story published on ABC News Online inaccurately implied Dan Williams had been tested for coronavirus and then went to a rehearsal with band mates. This is not the case. Mr Williams was tested three days after the rehearsal and was unaware he had it at that time. The article has been updated to accurately reflect Mr Williams’ timeline of being tested for coronavirus. 7.30 apologises to Dan Williams.”

Check your photo captions:

Ventilators or aspirators? An April 3 NPR correction:

“A previous photo caption on this story incorrectly stated that a ventilator was shown in the image. In fact, the device shown was an aspirator. We have changed the photo.”

And the Guardian made a photo error in its April 2 edition:

“A picture of a continuous positive airway pressure breathing aid was mistakenly used in an article about ventilators (Virus patients more likely to die may be taken off ventilators, 2 April, page 5).”

An April 5 Guardian correction:

“Not all women are excluded from a Covid-19 vaccine trial, as an article suggested (Oxford team recruiting up to 510 healthy volunteers, 28 March, page 6, early editions). Women who are breastfeeding, pregnant or intend to become pregnant during the trial are ineligible to participate.”

A March 31 correction from the Guardian:

An article in Tuesday’s paper gave the wrong figure for Covid-19-related deaths in NHS care. At the time of printing it was 1,408, not 2,433 (UK starts to count death toll outside hospitals, 31 March, page 9).”

An April 3 correction from the Guardian:

“This article was amended on 3 April 2020 to remove a segment that was based on an incorrect report by the international media freedom group Reporters Without Borders (RSF). The group initially reported that Turkmenistan had banned media from using the word “coronavirus”. RSF amended its report, noting that the term “coronavirus” was not censored in Turkmenistan.”

From USA Today:

News: An earlier version of this story misstated what President Donald Trump said about whether he had been distracted by impeachment while fighting the coronavirus outbreak. What the president said was, “Well, I don’t like to think I did. I think I handled it very well, but I guess it probably did.”

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UK Coronavirus Deaths, Language Ban, Deaths outside of hospital, and COVID-19 Photo Caption fails

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